20171030 Paper-Pulp-Paper

Paper-Pulp-Paper 20171030

Date: 2017 October 30
Place: Sri Arunodayam Home for Mentally Challenged Destitute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

I am ‘…. ‘I can do anything’ ….. ‘Everyone around me is fine’……

It was the moment when the above thoughts were put aside and the world presented a different view. With the thought of how we are going to do this training, the two boys welcomed us with hope and enthusiasm . We were taken to the second floor. There were children who were busy making paper bags, for the not so specially abled urban crowd.

‘My name is Baasha and yours!?’ exclaimed a child and broke the ice for interaction. The day’s training started with self-introduction while tearing the paper. They tore the paper, ground it into pulp, and turned it into paper. Once told the steps they voluntarily started making paper from the pulp. That is when we realised the learning process is so simple but we complicate it in our heads. And we can never teach anything to children, but be good learners. Soon the papers had creative craft work on them with rose petals.
There are a few workshops that give us a sense of complete content and hope. This surely was one. Waiting to use recycled hand-made books, made by these little geniuses.

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