Akarmaa works with various organisations and individuals to build and grow a community spirit.


‘Cuckoo Movement for Children’ began in 2004 as an approach to providing rural children with facilities that ensured they grew healthily in engaging environments regardless of their financial background. It set up libraries in remote villages and hamlets and screened international movies and documentaries to expand children’s imaginations. Cuckoo is an environment that channels our primordial instinct of survival into an evolved state of being, by doing. Each and every initiative borne of these practices is therefore grounded in the surrender to the natural order of the Flow of the Universe.

Cuckoo Wild School is a non-profit organization, where children are free to explore, think, and create, which provides alternative education for children, but instead of coining as alternative education Cuckoo movement is a standing example for providing “Fundamental education”.


It is an illusion that action comes automatically. Not human nature, just being. Naturally let’s create justifications for that. Let’s multiply the minds for that. Every object is meant to be unshakable. It doesn’t move unless the key touches from outside or inside.


Of artists whose creation comes from a space of deep seeking and hence in the process of creation manifests as a tool of healing, both for giver and receiver.

Open platform for independent artists who prioritise happiness of the receiver.

As a mystic once said, Paropakara belongs to you as there are no others.

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